Wordpress version compatible with PHP 5.2.17


I'm looking for a Wordpress compatible version of PHP 5.2.17.

I already garimpei in the site, but I do not think requirements of the old versions. My last attempt was with Wordpress 3.8.

asked by anonymous 17.12.2014 / 19:23

1 answer


According to the Lanaçamentos History available in Codex the version that fixed PHP 5.2.4 as the minimum required version was 3.1 (Gershwin) released in 2011.

So by way of deduction, version 3.0 is compatible with PHP 5.2.17, which can be confirmed by this post in the WordPress forum.

As for the download of this older version, you have Release Archive at your disposal.

17.12.2014 / 21:24