I am a beginner in php and I am doing a project for tcc of my technical course where, I have to register for an employee. how do I, when doing the insert add the value with what is already registered in the bank?
I am a beginner in php and I am doing a project for tcc of my technical course where, I have to register for an employee. how do I, when doing the insert add the value with what is already registered in the bank?
$ sql = new Sql (); $ sql-> SELECT ("UPDATE table SET 'table fields without quotes' = bindvalue of table plus value to be incremented");
I do not know if it was very clear. Try to send us more examples.
I think you'd better try to do via procedure, because otherwise you'll have to build extensive methods and codes as I see it. In the procedure you put to return the time with increment of a variable, can be another column in the table for that.