I want to get only the latest documents in a GET to the Jasmin API. Can I use the ModifiedOn field in the $ filter of the ODATA query? How should I do it?
I want to get only the latest documents in a GET to the Jasmin API. Can I use the ModifiedOn field in the $ filter of the ODATA query? How should I do it?
Yes, it is possible. The ODBC implementation of Jasmin allows you to use fields of type DateTimeOffset.
Example (Get series created after November 15): link {{account}} / {{subscription}} / businesscore / series / odata? $ filter = CreatedOn gt DateTimeOffset '2018-11-15 '
Good afternoon, We tried to call with "modified date" and we had this error:
{"message": "Could not find a property named 'ModifiedOn' on type 'Spring.BusinessCore.Api.SerieResource'. ","% CORRELATIONID% ": "1fd94060-05ad-4bac-ad5b-4b0fae10f271", "% SOURCE%": "UnhandledExceptionFilterAttribute"} link ? $ filter = ModifiedOn gt datetimeoffset '2018-11-15 '
How can this be overcome? Thanks