How to make the "Home" and other slots render the home page of my html document? [closed]


Best wishes! I created a html-css navigation bay with the following features:

<ul class "nav">
  <li><a href="# n a"> Home </a></li>
  <li><a href="# n b"> Contacto </a></li>

But my problem is that I can not get the user to access the Home Page by clicking the Home button. What is missing so that the "Home" bay renders the main page? Help, please. Thank you all.

asked by anonymous 22.01.2017 / 23:04

1 answer


Hello, your syntax is incorrect. Here is the code below.

<ul class="nav"> // faltou o '=' entre class e "nav";
  <li><a href="enderecodahome"> Home </a></li> //Haviam espaços no href.
  <li><a href="enderecodacontato"> Contacto </a></li> //Haviam espaços no href.

Below is an example of a horizontal menu in jsfiddle.


If you want, you find a lot of HTML5 and CSS3 content in several books and video lessons on youtube, I recommend this book: link

And these video lessons: link

23.01.2017 / 11:56