Count numbers 1 in binary number after decimal base conversion


In this program I need to count the number of 1's present in the binary number after converting the decimal base. Here is the code:


int main ()

    char valor[1000], tmp;
    long long int count, valor_i, valor_c = 0, r_div, i, count2;

    scanf("%lld", &valor_i);

    count = 0;
    i = 0;

    while (i != 1)
        r_div =  valor_i / 2;

        if (r_div < 2)
            i = 1;
            if(valor_i % 2 == 0)
                valor[count] = '0';
                valor[count] = '1';
            if(r_div == 0)
                valor[count + 1] = '0';
                valor[count + 1] = '1';
            valor[count + 2] = '

int main ()

    char valor[1000], tmp;
    long long int count, valor_i, valor_c = 0, r_div, i, count2;

    scanf("%lld", &valor_i);

    count = 0;
    i = 0;

    while (i != 1)
        r_div =  valor_i / 2;

        if (r_div < 2)
            i = 1;
            if(valor_i % 2 == 0)
                valor[count] = '0';
                valor[count] = '1';
            if(r_div == 0)
                valor[count + 1] = '0';
                valor[count + 1] = '1';
            valor[count + 2] = '%pre%';
            if (valor_i % 2 == 0)
                valor[count] = '0';
                valor[count] = '1';
        valor_i = r_div;

    count2 = strlen(valor) - 1;

    for(count = 0; count == count2 || count < count2; count++)
        tmp = valor[count];
        valor[count] = valor[count2];
        valor[count2] = tmp;
    printf("%s\n", valor);

    return 0;

'; } else { if (valor_i % 2 == 0) { valor[count] = '0'; } else { valor[count] = '1'; } } count++; valor_i = r_div; } count2 = strlen(valor) - 1; for(count = 0; count == count2 || count < count2; count++) { tmp = valor[count]; valor[count] = valor[count2]; valor[count2] = tmp; count2--; } printf("%s\n", valor); return 0; }
asked by anonymous 12.09.2016 / 19:46

3 answers


A simple way to do this:


int main() {
    char valor[1000];
    long long int valor_i;
    int position = 0, count = 0;
    scanf("%lld", &valor_i);
    while (valor_i > 0) { //não precisa de flag, use a condição que encerra o laço
        int bit = valor_i % 2; //descobre se é 0 ou 1
        valor[position++] = '0' + bit; //adiciona o caractere de acordo com o bit calculado
        count += bit; //adiciona 0 ou 1 no contador
        valor_i /= 2; //vamos pra próxima, resolvemos metade do valor
    valor[position] = '

int main() {
    char binario[64];
    memset(binario, '0', 63);
    binario[63] = '

int main() {
    char valor[1000];
    long long int valor_i;
    int position = 0, count = 0;
    scanf("%lld", &valor_i);
    while (valor_i > 0) { //não precisa de flag, use a condição que encerra o laço
        int bit = valor_i % 2; //descobre se é 0 ou 1
        valor[position++] = '0' + bit; //adiciona o caractere de acordo com o bit calculado
        count += bit; //adiciona 0 ou 1 no contador
        valor_i /= 2; //vamos pra próxima, resolvemos metade do valor
    valor[position] = '

int main() {
    char binario[64];
    memset(binario, '0', 63);
    binario[63] = '%pre%';
    int64_t decimal;
    scanf("%jd", &decimal);
    int position = 62, count = 0;
    while (decimal > 0) {
        int bit = decimal & 1;
        binario[position--] = '0' + bit;
        count += bit;
        decimal /= 2;
    printf("%s - quantidade de '1' => %d", &binario[position + 1], count);
'; //termina a string size_t size = strlen(valor); //vai começar inverter a string for (int count = 0; count <= size / 2 - 1; count++) { //basta inverter até a metade char tmp = valor[count]; valor[count] = valor[size - count - 1]; //não precisa de dois contadores valor[size - count - 1] = tmp; } printf("%s - quantidade de '1' => %d\n", valor, count); return 0; }
'; int64_t decimal; scanf("%jd", &decimal); int position = 62, count = 0; while (decimal > 0) { int bit = decimal & 1; binario[position--] = '0' + bit; count += bit; decimal /= 2; } printf("%s - quantidade de '1' => %d", &binario[position + 1], count); }
'; //termina a string size_t size = strlen(valor); //vai começar inverter a string for (int count = 0; count <= size / 2 - 1; count++) { //basta inverter até a metade char tmp = valor[count]; valor[count] = valor[size - count - 1]; //não precisa de dois contadores valor[size - count - 1] = tmp; } printf("%s - quantidade de '1' => %d\n", valor, count); return 0; }

See running on ideone .

I changed the variable names a bit, but left the main ones, although I did not agree with them.

I organized the code and simplified it, doing only the necessary using math.

The big change to solve the count of 1 was to put a counter inside the loop adding up whenever it was one.

I'd rather have some restrictions and ease the algorithm, but I left it as it is. It could avoid having to make the inversion. I made a example in ideone .

12.09.2016 / 21:06

Use for :

for (i=0; i<strlen(valor); i++){

12.09.2016 / 20:27
The algorithm capable of solving the proposed problem is known by several names: Hamming Weight , Population Count , popcount or Sideways Sum .

Wikipedia has an excellent article speaking deeply about it here .

There is a workaround for this problem proposed in% w /% of the Second Edition of "The C Programming Language" published by the duo "Kernighan & Ritchie".

A function (tested and commented) is able to count the number of bits set in the binary representation of a decimal number, based on the solution proposed in the book:

int popcount( unsigned int num )
    unsigned int count = 0; /* Inicia o contador com 0  */

    while( num ) /* Enquanto houverem bits setados... */
        num &= num - 1; /* Limpa o bit setado mais significante */

        count++; /* Incrementa contador de bits setados */

    return count; /* Retorna o contador */

Here is the complete code that can solve the problem:

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* *                              popcount.c                                * */
/* ************************************************************************** */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

char * byte_to_binary( unsigned int num )
    unsigned int i = 0;
    static char str[ 100 ] = {0};

    strcpy( str, "" );

    for( i = 128; i > 0; i >>= 1 )
        strcat( str, ((num & i) == i) ? "1" : "0");

    return str;

int popcount( unsigned int num )
    unsigned int count = 0;

    while( num )
        num &= num - 1;


    return count;

int main( int argc, char ** argv )
    int i = 0;

    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        printf( "dec=%d, hex=0x%x, bin=%s, popcount=%d\n", i, i, byte_to_binary(i), popcount(i) );

    return 0;

/* fim-de-arquivo */


$ ./popcount 
dec=0, hex=0x0, bin=00000000, popcount=0
dec=1, hex=0x1, bin=00000001, popcount=1
dec=2, hex=0x2, bin=00000010, popcount=1
dec=3, hex=0x3, bin=00000011, popcount=2
dec=4, hex=0x4, bin=00000100, popcount=1
dec=5, hex=0x5, bin=00000101, popcount=2
dec=6, hex=0x6, bin=00000110, popcount=2
dec=7, hex=0x7, bin=00000111, popcount=3
dec=8, hex=0x8, bin=00001000, popcount=1
dec=9, hex=0x9, bin=00001001, popcount=2
dec=10, hex=0xa, bin=00001010, popcount=2
dec=11, hex=0xb, bin=00001011, popcount=3
dec=12, hex=0xc, bin=00001100, popcount=2
dec=13, hex=0xd, bin=00001101, popcount=3
dec=14, hex=0xe, bin=00001110, popcount=3
dec=15, hex=0xf, bin=00001111, popcount=4

I hope I have helped!

12.09.2016 / 20:59