Some precise functionality of sending emails and before sending normally, however, now the following message appears:
Deprecated: preg_replace (): The / e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /srv/disk35/4754145/www/ on line 1922
How do I solve this problem?
Below I transcribe the excerpt from the file mentioned in the message:
// Replace every high ascii, control =, ? and _ characters
//TODO using /e (equivalent to eval()) is probably not a good idea
$encoded = preg_replace('/([// Replace every high ascii, control =, ? and _ characters
//TODO using /e (equivalent to eval()) is probably not a good idea
$encoded = preg_replace('/([%pre%0-1346-75777-7])/e',
"'='.sprintf('%02X', ord(stripslashes('\1')))", $encoded);
"'='.sprintf('%02X', ord(stripslashes('\1')))", $encoded);