Implementing month type function


Good morning, people?

I was implementing a function of type Month that returns Month I've tried using static_cast to convert to Month type but the conversion errors for it. The program is this below:

#include <regex>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>

enum Month
  Jan = 1, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

// structured binding, Datastructure for string to num conversion in month(.i.e."Mar" Month to 3)
std::array<std::pair<std::string, Month>, 12> monthinfo = 
    std::make_pair("Jan", Month::Jan),
    std::make_pair("Feb", Month::Feb),
    std::make_pair("Mar", Month::Mar),
    std::make_pair("Apr", Month::Apr),
    std::make_pair("May", Month::May),
    std::make_pair("Jun", Month::Jun),
    std::make_pair("Jul", Month::Jul),
    std::make_pair("Aug", Month::Aug),
    std::make_pair("Sep", Month::Sep),
    std::make_pair("Oct", Month::Oct),
    std::make_pair("Nov", Month::Nov),
    std::make_pair("Dec", Month::Dec)

// concrete daytime structure to store the data
//template<typename T1, typename T2 = std::string>
template<class T1, class T2 = std::string>
struct DayTime
    T1 day      = T1();
    T1 month    = T1();
    T1 year     = T1();
    T1 hour     = T1();
    T1 min      = T1();
    T1 second   = T1();
    T2 daystr   = T2();
    T2 dtstring = T2();

// main class which would fetech/parse the current time and provide to the client
class CurrentDateTime
   DayTime<std::string> ParseDateTime(const std::string&);
   void StrToNumber(const DayTime<std::string>&);
   Month GetMonth(const std::string&);
   DayTime<int> dt;


    virtual ~CurrentDateTime(){};

    int      GetDay() const { return;    }
    Month  GetMonth() const { return dt.month;  }
    int     GetYear() const { return dt.year;   }
    int     GetHour() const { return dt.hour;   }
    int      GetMin() const { return dt.min;    }
    int   GetSecond() const { return dt.second; }
    std::string   GetDayStr() const { return dt.daystr; }

    //fetch/store current local-daytime information
    auto tp = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    time_t cstyle_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(tp);
    char* cstyleinfo = std::ctime(&cstyle_t);
    // copy(deep) the data into the std::string as ::ctime() provides static data 
    // which might be overwritten in case someone call it again.
    std::string currentinfo(cstyleinfo);

    //parse/store  the information
    auto dtstr = ParseDateTime(currentinfo);

DayTime<std::string> CurrentDateTime::ParseDateTime(const std::string& information)
    DayTime<std::string> info;
    std::regex dtimeregex(R"(^(\w{3}) (\w{3}) (\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) (\d{4}))");
    std::smatch match;

    if (std::regex_search(information, match, dtimeregex)) 
        // Match the group and subgroups by regex parser.
        auto index = 0;
        info.dtstring = match[index++];
        info.daystr   = match[index++];
        info.month    = match[index++];      = match[index++];
        info.hour     = match[index++];
        info.min      = match[index++];
        info.second   = match[index++];
        info.year     = match[index++];

    return info;

Month CurrentDateTime::GetMonth(const std::string& input) const 
    for (const auto& itr : monthinfo) 
        if (itr.first == input)
      return itr.second;
      //return static_cast<Month>(itr.second);
    assert(false && "Invalid month name");
    // Or return a default month if it makes sense.
    // Another possibility is extending the enum Month to 
    // add an invalid dummy value, throwing an exception, etc.

void CurrentDateTime::StrToNumber(const DayTime<std::string>& information)
    dt.dtstring = information.dtstring;
    dt.daystr   = information.daystr;
    dt.month    = GetMonth(information.month);      = std::stoi(;
    dt.hour     = std::stoi(information.hour.c_str());
    dt.min      = std::stoi(information.min.c_str());
    dt.second   = std::stoi(information.second.c_str());
    dt.year     = std::stoi(information.year.c_str());

int main()
  CurrentDateTime current = *new CurrentDateTime();

    std::cout << "\n\tCurrent Day....: " << current.GetDayStr()
              << "\n\tCurrent Date...: " << current.GetDay()
              << "\n\tCurrent Month..: " << current.GetMonth()
              << "\n\tCurrent Year...: " << current.GetYear()
              << "\n\tCurrent Hour...: " << current.GetHour()
              << "\n\tCurrent Min....: " << current.GetMin()
              << "\n\tCurrent Second.: " << current.GetSecond() 
              << "\n\n";
    return 0;

Because the program should return something like:

    Current Day....: Tue
    Current Date...: 23
    Current Month..: 1
    Current Year...: 2018
    Current Hour...: 8
    Current Min....: 50
    Current Second.: 29

but it generates the following error below:

Ex2.cxx: In member function ‘Month CurrentDateTime::GetMonth() const’:
Ex2.cxx:62:49: error: invalid conversion from ‘int’ to ‘Month’ [-fpermissive]
             Month  GetMonth() const { return dt.month;  }
Ex2.cxx: At global scope:
Ex2.cxx:108:7: error: prototype for ‘Month CurrentDateTime::GetMonth(const string&) const’ does not match any in class ‘CurrentDateTime’
 Month CurrentDateTime::GetMonth(const std::string& input) const
Ex2.cxx:62:20: error: candidates are: Month CurrentDateTime::GetMonth() const
             Month  GetMonth() const { return dt.month;  }
Ex2.cxx:53:10: error:                 Month CurrentDateTime::GetMonth(const string&)
    Month GetMonth(const std::string&);
asked by anonymous 23.01.2018 / 11:54

1 answer


Your code has two issues that are generating these errors:

1) Conversion between integers and enumerations

At line 62 you are trying to convert a dt.month (which is integer type) value to a value of type Month which is an enumeration. Although C ++ enumerations are stored as integer values internally, this type of conversion is not done implicitly (because the integer value might fall outside the enumeration values). Either you create a function to do this (which is the most correct and safe option) or simply replace the line

Month  GetMonth() const { return dt.month;  }


Month  GetMonth() const { return static_cast<Month>(dt.month);  }

This is the quickest option to solve the problem.

2) Method declaration other than implementation

You are declaring method CurrentDateTime::GetMonth(const std::string&) in class CurrentDateTime without const , but you are trying to set this method using const below. You must decide what you want. The best option seems to be to simply add const to the method declaration, that is, replace the

Month GetMonth(const std::string&);


Month GetMonth(const std::string&) const;

The corrected version of your code is here: link

PS: People around here do not like it when you simply copy code with error and expect others to debug it. Next time, if you have a question about any of the topics that led to the error, put the question on the topic as a question ;)

24.01.2018 / 16:38