Search the function nl2br or concatene: print "you can eat: $ dish". "br /";

   Pesquisei ,e,encontrei essa teoria bem explicadinha aqui nesse site: "".

But applying the theory well explained above, in practice, in this code here below, is that other 100%, which I still do not know how to do, if the noble friend knows, I would appreciate it, put the same there in LOCO , if you do not know, I'm waiting, who knows, and researching at the same time. WHERE AND HOW I SHOULD PLACE ">

asked by anonymous 16.05.2018 / 15:07

1 answer


The problem is in a unicode character used within php tags depending on the IDE or editor you use it may have been "invisible". The character is this "".

Here is an image showing the problem.

16.05.2018 / 15:40