Speak people, I'm debugging python and I'm putting together a simple program that will gradually split the modules, add treatments etc ... The problem is this: in the code below, the program only works once. I create the user and in the end it shows me that the user was created and the key: value and calls the start function, however when I select a new option, the program simply finishes. Could someone give me a tip?
# cadastar usuario
# login
# sair do sistema
# mostar tela
# mostar dados do usuario
import sys
bd = {}
def cadastar_usuario (user = 0, pwd = 0):
usuario = input("Por favor, digite um nome de usuário: ")
senha = input("Digite uma senha: ")
bd.update({usuario: senha})
print("Usuario cadastrado com sucesso! \n ", bd, "\n\n")
def entrar():
print("Usuario entrou")
def mostrar_dados():
print("Mostrando dados")
def sair():
print("Até a proxima")
# sys.exit()
def inicio():
select = int(input("Escolha uma opcao: \n"
"1 - Cadastrar usuario \n"
"2 - Entrar \n"
"3 - Mostrar dados de usuarios \n"
"4 - Sair do sistema \n"))
return select
opcao = {1:cadastar_usuario, 2:entrar, 3:mostrar_dados, 4:sair}