This function should ask for a name to be used as a search term. If the searched film is in the list, all the movie. Otherwise, a message that is not in the list should be shown.
This is the function I created to try to resolve the issue but it has some flaws that I quote below:
def funçao2(n):
arq = open('ListaFilmes.txt', 'r')
conteudo = arq.readlines()
n = str(input('Digite o nome do filme: '))
for linha in conteudo:
linha = linha.split(';')
for coluna in linha:
coluna = coluna.split()
coluna1 = linha[0]
coluna2 = linha[1]
coluna3 = linha[2]
coluna4 = linha[3]
for elem in coluna:
if n == elem:
print('ANO DE LANÇAMENTO:',coluna4)
print('O filme não consta na lista')
In this way I created, if for example I want to access a movie that appears in the list, it accesses the movie, but also shows the message 'The movie is not in the list', message that is only to happen if I try searching for a movie that is not on the list, and when I go looking for a movie that is not on the list, this message appears several times.
You can help me set the code so that if I look for the movie in the list, the program only shows the movie that was searched, and if I look for a movie that is not in the list, the program will show the message 'O movie not listed 'only once?