My advice is simply to rename it incrementally, because putting the date as suffix / prefix (eg dd-mm-yyy_hh: mm: ss) in a cycle like this example would risk many files with equal names (they would be copied in the same second or even millisecond):
By comment I noticed that you may have to run this several times, so you need to get the last n
of the last changed file to rename the first one as (n+1)_foo.pdf
import os
original_dir = 'caminho/para/pasta/original'
files = os.listdir(original_dir) # todos os ficheiros
last_num = max(int(i.split('_', 1)[0]) for i in files if '_' in i) # ultimo numero
no_changed_files = (i for i in files if '_' not in i) # ficheiros ainda nao mudados
for n, file_name in enumerate(no_changed_files, last_num + 1): # renomear os que ainda nao foram
full_path = os.path.join(original_dir, file_name)
if (os.path.isfile(full_path)): # se for ficheiro
os.rename(full_path, '{}/{}_{}'.format(original_dir, n, file_name))