How to create an algorithm that automatically traces certain pages of a site?


I have a platform where people can put comments write reviews and I at this point need to create an algorithm in which I crawl these same zones of the site in case someone writes a less inappropriate comments the same delete the system automatically without me be without a look at what people are writing.

I would like to know the best way to do it and suggestions on how to do it.

asked by anonymous 23.03.2015 / 02:52

2 answers


I do not think crawling the page for inappropriate comments is the best option.

What you can implement is an algorithm that creates an approval queue for comments, forcing all comments to be approved by some moderator, just like Wordpress .

Another suggestion might be to not allow some comments to be posted from a list of forbidden words, thus barring the time the user attempts to include the comment. You can also combine this list of forbidden words with the approval queue to preappropriate comments that do not have those words.

23.03.2015 / 11:59

This action should be done before insertion of the message into the database, this way you will not spend resources to go through a page of X at X time.


if (coisa_inserida.contains('asneira'))
    mostrar_erro('asneiras nao sao permitidas');
else {
    mostrar_sucesso('yay! comentario inserido!');

You can, however, make an approval system - such as @gmsantos refer.

22.04.2015 / 19:26