I would like to know a script that when viewing link and name in the html page changes the style ...
I need to get a script that gives me some links and names of comments or just one of 2, I would need a place in this script for me to put my custom css for each link / name, and if you can customize it is even better , for me to put a 20 with the same css together and the other separated
A script that places an ID for names
Detailing: It is for blog comments, I wanted to differentiate ADM, Members and visitors, so before creating the styles I would need to be able to make it possible
Below is the default of how current links (for outsiders): all comments have the same class="fn" if changing changes for all, just as if trying to put an id on the link help me ...
<cite class="fn">
<a href="LINK" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Gabriel Miller">Gabriel Miller</a>