I need to make a if
where I check a set of options to not make a if
inside another if
to check if a field is filled or not, I want to do it with a single if
Ex if(valr1, valor2, valor3 != "")
Follow the code
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.ReadXml(@"\\Geral_G.M\Expedicao\XML_ENTRADA\" + txt_chave.Text + ".xml");
txt_fornecedor.Text = ds.Tables["emit"].Rows[0]["xNome"].ToString();
txt_cnpj.Text = ds.Tables["emit"].Rows[0]["CNPJ"].ToString();
txt_nota.Text = ds.Tables["ide"].Rows[0]["nNF"].ToString();
txt_ie.Text = ds.Tables["emit"].Rows[0]["IE"].ToString();
emissao = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables["ide"].Rows[0]["dhEmi"]);
saida = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables["ide"].Rows[0]["dhSaiEnt"]);
txt_emissao.Text = Convert.ToString(emissao);
txt_saida.Text = Convert.ToString(saida);