Ionic2 root nav


I'm developing an application in Ionic 2 and the first screen Page1 and I run:

My problem is that when I click the back button I want to execute the ionViewDidEnter() method of Page1 .

It only executes this method with this.nav.push(Page2) for example.

I wanted it to work with getRootNav .

asked by anonymous 17.10.2017 / 01:39

2 answers


Victor, try to ionViewWillEnter . To get clearer, the ionViewWillEnter will fire whenever you enter that page.

Now the ionViewDidLoad will be cached and therefore will trigger actions only once.

23.10.2017 / 21:44

getRootNav deprecated

Try with getRootNavId

If you are using Api Http And in the case of firebase you just use ngOnInit

09.12.2017 / 23:04