I wanted to verify that the file that the user chose already exists in a given folder at least. If it does not exist, you can copy the file.
I wanted to verify that the file that the user chose already exists in a given folder at least. If it does not exist, you can copy the file.
Just copy the file to a folder and execute the one that was copied. I did not understand your code, but I did an example to try to help you.
private void AbrirArquivo()
string arquivo = listView.SelectedItems[0].Text.ToString();
string diretorio = @"C:\ByMe\SOLUTIONS\Dictation1\Database\Updates\";
string diretorioBkp = @"C:\ByMe\SOLUTIONS\Dictation1\Database\Updates\Backup\";
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(diretorio+arquivo);
if (file.Exists)
FileInfo fBkp = new FileInfo(diretorioBkp + arquivo);
if (fBkp.Exists)
//se já existir uma cópia, deleto.
//faço a cópia do arquivo para a pasta bkp
//Abro o arquivo da pasta backup, o arquivo raiz, continua inalterado
MessageBox.Show("Arquivo selecionado não existe!");
To verify that the file exists, or to work (copy, read, create, and so on) with files, use the File :
File.Exists("Destino do arquivo")
So just get it if it does not exist with a negation operator ! and if it does not exist you make the copy: D
//Se diferente de verdadeiro
if(!File.Exists("Destino do arquivo"))
//Cria o arquivo
File.Copy("Caminho do arquivo","Destino do arquivo");