How to create a function to remove unwanted characters, anti injection


Hello, I searched the internet for the characters to remove, but the search did not answer my question .. So, I tried to know about anti-sqlinjection in python, but I did not find any way to do this by directly removing the characters when forming the string ... I only found static type solutions, where you already have the command running, for me this type it does not serve because I have dynamic ways to get the results depending on the result such.

I need the variable to be formed as follows:

if senha!="":
    sql="SELECT id FROM motorista WHERE senha="+"'"+antisql(senha)+"'"

For the time being the only character I am removing is a tab, because it was disrupting

It would look like this:

def antisql(string):
    string=string.replace(" ","")
    ....aqui da replace nas outras caracteres

What I need is a complete list of characters that might come to trouble me. - > Just to figure out my software the python part is a websocket, and it gives a json result, so I removed that larger space character < - it's not the normal space, it's not a larger space character, it buga json ..

asked by anonymous 25.12.2018 / 00:03

1 answer

remove = set(";:,.'")
def clean(sentence):
    for c in set(sentence)&remove:
        sentence = sentence.replace(c,"")
    return sentence

Sentence = "feijão 'com, arroz"

CleanSentence = clean(Sentence)

26.12.2018 / 17:20