Doubt on date manipulation using time.h


I'm studying C and thinking about a problem I came across the need to study the library time.h.

Basically, I would like to calculate the difference between two dates without needing to reinvent the wheel. For this I considered 2 hypothetical dates:

04/12/2018 12:00

04/12/2018 13:00

I hope the difference between these two dates is 1 hour (3600 seconds).

For this, I'm using the following routine:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void){
    time_t seconds, sec1, sec2;

    struct tm *dataTimeBegin = (struct tm *)malloc(sizeof(struct tm));
    struct tm *dataTimeEnd = (struct tm *)malloc(sizeof(struct tm));

    dataTimeBegin->tm_mday = 4;
    dataTimeBegin->tm_mon = 11;
    dataTimeBegin->tm_year = 2018 - 1900;
    dataTimeBegin->tm_hour = 12;
    dataTimeBegin->tm_min = 00;
    dataTimeBegin->tm_sec = 00;

    dataTimeEnd->tm_mday = 4;
    dataTimeEnd->tm_mon = 11;
    dataTimeEnd->tm_year = 2018 - 1900;
    dataTimeEnd->tm_hour = 13;
    dataTimeEnd->tm_min = 00;
    dataTimeEnd->tm_sec = 00;

    sec1 = mktime(dataTimeBegin);
    sec2 = mktime(dataTimeEnd);

    printf("sec1: %ld\n", sec1);
    printf("sec2: %ld\n", sec2);

    printf("difftime(sec2, sec1): %f", difftime(sec2, sec1));

    return 0;

Contuno, I noticed strange behavior. My output indicates:

sec1: 1543935600

sec2: 1543935600

difftime (sec2, sec1): 0.000000

Why is sec2 the same as sec1? When I do:

    dataTimeBegin->tm_mday = 4;
    dataTimeBegin->tm_mon = 11;
    dataTimeBegin->tm_year = 2018 - 1900;
    dataTimeBegin->tm_hour = 13;
    dataTimeBegin->tm_min = 00;
    dataTimeBegin->tm_sec = 00;

    dataTimeEnd->tm_mday = 4;
    dataTimeEnd->tm_mon = 11;
    dataTimeEnd->tm_year = 2018 - 1900;
    dataTimeEnd->tm_hour = 13;
    dataTimeEnd->tm_min = 00;
    dataTimeEnd->tm_sec = 00;

My output is:

sec1: 1543939200

sec2: 1543935600

difftime (sec2, sec1): -3600.000000

This behavior does not make sense to me. Am I faltering in any concept?

EDIT: I have a problem with the struct, but I do not know how to do it. I have a pointer to struct, and I want to use the pointer.

EDIT 2: I followed the recommendation of zentrunix and initialized tm_isdst and it worked fine in both versions (with the use of the pointer or without)

asked by anonymous 05.12.2018 / 02:13

1 answer


Try to allocate structures using calloc, or clean them completely using bzero, the structure has other fields beyond what you filled in and some dirt in them may be influencing the result.

05.12.2018 / 05:35