How to decrease the sensitivity of Iscroll5?


I'm using Iscroll plguin to scroll through a list of IOS devices.

I was looking for the site where I got the plugin ( here ), but I did not find any information about the decrease / increase the sensitivity of the scroll .

Is there any instruction that does this?


Inicialização do IScroll

        var wrapper = document.getElementById('treelist');
        myScroll = new IScroll(wrapper, {
            scrollX : false,
            scrollY : true,
            scrollbars : false,
            interactiveScrollbars : true,
            mouseWheel : true,
            hScrollbar : false,
            vScrollbar : true,
            useTransition : false,
            snap : 'li',
            tap: true,
            click: true,
            mouseWheelSpeed: 1,

            indicators : {
                el : '#scroller',
                fade : false,
                ignoreBoundaries : false,
                interactive : false,
                listenX : false,
                listenY : true,
                resize : false,
                shrink : false,
                speedRatioX : 0,
                speedRatioY : 0,
                checkDOMChanges: true,

asked by anonymous 22.06.2015 / 18:28

1 answer


On this same site there is the advanced commands part that can be seen here: link

I believe that what you are looking for is:

Modifica a velocidade do scroll do mouse.
Valor padrão: 20

If you want to change the acceleration / stop time of the movement is with options.deceleration .

22.06.2015 / 18:32