After doing a search on a form
method POST
<form method="POST" action="../controller/precontBuscaProg.php">
<input type="date" name="dataini">
I get on another page what was sent receiving the data like this:
$dataIni = $_POST['dataini'];
$dataFim = $_POST['datafim'];
$dstPost = $_POST['dst'];
$orgPost = $_POST['org'];
$stPost = $_POST['st'];
$objProg = new Prog();
$params= '?'.http_build_query(array('dataini'=> $dataIni, 'datafim'=>$dataFim, 'dst'=> $dstPost, 'org'=> $orgPost, 'st'=> $stPost));
header('location: ../view/programacao.php'. $params);
Return me in the url. Is there any way to hide this in the url?
And leave this alone?
If there is another medium besides .htaccess I would like to know.