Hello, guys, how are you?
I am developing a system to register the presence of the academics of an educational institution, the form data (Course, subjects and students) I am searching for web service of the teaching system of them, see the image below of how it was:Tosavethefirstthreeinputsisquiet,myproblemisthatIcouldnotthinkofhowtosavethislistofINPUTSRADIOwithinthetable,becausetheNAMESoftheinputsIfilleddynamicallywiththeID'softhestudents,followtheexamplebelow:
<input type="radio" name="5334" value="1" /> <!--(Esse representa o "Presente")-->
<input type="radio" name="5334" value="0" /> <!--(Esse representa o "Ausente")-->