(For those who have already used NfePHP)
I've done almost all of the steps to Generate Nfe:
So far so good, but in AddProt is returning the error below and in TestaDanfe.php is not finding the xml file in the AddProt using the Receipt and the v key the following error is occurring:
Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Start tag expected, '<' not found in Entity, line: 1 in /home/MEUSITE/public_html/nota-fiscal/nfephp-master/libs/Common/Dom/Dom.php on line 37
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'NFePHP\Common\Exception\RuntimeException' with message 'O arquivo indicado não é um XML!' in /home/MEUSITE/public_html/nota-fiscal/nfephp-master/libs/Common/Dom/Dom.php:39 Stack trace: #0 /home/MEUSITE/public_html/nota-fiscal/nfephp-master/libs/NFe/ToolsNFe.php(349): NFePHP\Common\Dom\Dom->loadXMLString('/home/MEUSITE/...') #1 /home/MEUSITE/public_html/4.00testaAddProt.php(24): NFePHP\NFe\ToolsNFe->addProtocolo('/home/MEUSITE/...', '/home/MEUSITE/...', true) #2 {main} thrown in /home/MEUSITE/public_html/Sistema/nota-fiscal/nfephp-master/libs/Common/Dom/Dom.php on line 39
NOTE: The paths are correct, I did not make any changes in the XML, I just did the right procedures.
What am I doing wrong? What is missing to generate NFE and DANFE in PDF ? What is NFE-PHP's AddProt.php file ?