I need to do a SQL query to count indications, I have the following querys :
SELECT 'FACEBOOK', COUNT(id) FROM 'clientes' where indicacao like '%face%'
SELECT 'Instagram', COUNT(id) FROM 'clientes' where indicacao like '%insta%'
SELECT 'google', COUNT(id) FROM 'clientes' where indicacao like '%google%'
SELECT 'panfleto', COUNT(id) FROM 'clientes' where indicacao like '%panf%'
SELECT 'indicacao', COUNT(id) FROM 'clientes' where indicacao like '%ind%'
SELECT 'radio', COUNT(id) FROM 'clientes' where indicacao like '%radio%'
SELECT 'outros', COUNT(id) as total FROM 'clientes' where indicacao not like '%radio%' and indicacao not like '%face%' and indicacao not LIKE '%insta%' and indicacao not like '%google%' and indicacao not like '%panf%' and indicacao not like '%ind%' and indicacao not like '%radio%'
My question is: I can do this same search without having to do all these querys ?