I use ASSP as an email filter server.
Often my domain users request blocked email reports (sending email to the address set to " Request Block Report (EmailBlockReport)
However, I would like to schedule the automatic submission of this report on a daily basis without requiring end-user requests.
I configured the parameter: BlockReportFile
as: file:files/blockreportlist.txt
And I inserted the following lines into my blockreportlist.txt
[email protected]=>[email protected]
[email protected]=>[email protected]
However, when I set the option " Generate a BlockReport from BlockReportFile Now (BlockReportNow)
" and click on " Run now!
" the following message appears:
*** Updated - task was started
But the report is not sent to any of the users, nor to the email set in " Send Copy of Block-Reports TO (EmailBlockTo)
Would anyone know what's going on?