How to pass variable to AJAX?


I have a screen where several songs are ready and next to it I have an image that calls AJAX to add this song to a playlist . My question is how to pass the ID of this song to AJAX, since I can not use the URL because it has to be # .

    while($consulta2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
      echo"<div class='album-musicas'><a href='musica.php?musica=$consulta2[id_musica]&artista=$consulta2[id_cantor_fk]&album=$consulta2[id_album_fk]' class='album-musicas-texto'>$consulta2[nr_faixa].  $consulta2[nm_musica]</a>";
      if ($consulta2["nm_som"] != '') { 
        echo "<a href='#' id='add-musica-playlist-link'>
        <img src='images/button-add-13.png' title='Adicionar à playlist' ></a>";
    echo "<br><div class='separador-musica'></div></div>";    
asked by anonymous 06.11.2014 / 17:26

1 answer


I think it's the case of printing, from PHP itself, the code of the song in the add button. But before, just one thing I noticed: is id or class , in the first line of the passage below?

echo "<a href='#' id='add-musica-playlist-link'>
      <img src='images/button-add-13.png' title='Adicionar à playlist' ></a>";

I think you want to switch to class ; but in any case this is not related to your question. Let's face it: the modification you would have to do would be something like:

echo "<a href='#' class='addMusicaPlaylistLink'>
      <input type='hidden' value='$consulta2[id_musica]' />
      <img src='images/button-add-13.png' title='Adicionar à playlist' ></a>";

To be frank, there are several other ways to serve the data (in this case, the music ID in the database) to the client side: data attributes ), if you is dealing with HTML5; injection of data into elements other than <input /> ; etc.

Anyway, once the data is served via PHP, the part of the JavaScript comes up to collect them - that is, search for them in the DOM . Within the <a> element of each "Add to playlist" button, there is a% co hidden containing the song code. So in the callback function of your listener of each button, there should be something like this:

(The HTML had to be slightly modified over the above markup, but the JS code is for both cases.)

// Aqui é apenas um exemplo de como adicionar o listener a todos os botões:
var botoes = document.getElementsByClassName("addMusicaPlaylistLink");
for(var i = 0; i < botoes.length; i++) botoes[i].addEventListener("click", function(e){
    // ...
    // Este trecho busca o código da música cujo botão foi clicado:
    var musica_id = e.srcElement.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value;
    // ...
    // Hora do AJAX! O ID da música estará na variável 'musica_id'!
    // ...
    // O trecho abaixo simplesmente mostra o código capturado, por motivos didáticos:
    var p = document.createElement("p");
    p.innerHTML = "O usuário requisitou que a música " + musica_id + " fosse adicionada à playlist.";
<a href='#' class='addMusicaPlaylistLink'>
    <input type='hidden' value='1234' />
    Adicionar música 1234
<br />
<a href='#' class='addMusicaPlaylistLink'>
    <input type='hidden' value='1235' />
    Adicionar música 1235

The above excerpt should have no problems running in IE9 and other more modern ones; if you implement another type of listener more compatible, this code is probably able to run in very old browsers:)

Note that this JS is tied to my suggestion in PHP; other markup types require modifications to the DOM fetch performed by JavaScript, so do not forget to hack this code until you can extract your AJAX ID.

06.11.2014 / 20:57