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It is very common to find a search on sites that returns records from different tables.

I need to implement a search on my site that returns produtos and usuários (profile) registered on the site. The result should be mix, but the link to them will be different, eg and .

Will I need two querys ? Or just with a query with this result?

I can not use JOIN since my tables are unrelated. I hope I have been clear.

asked by anonymous 28.07.2015 / 17:28

1 answer


You can use UNION to combine the results of your query


UNION is used to combine the result of multiple SELECTs into a single result set.

( select nome, concat( "U" ) as 'tipo' from user    where nome = ? ) union all
( select nome, concat( "P" ) as 'tipo' from product where nome = ? )

The above query assembles will fetch in the tables user and product , all records that contain the term searched in the name.

Your tables may have a different structure: user.idade , user.sobrenome , product.preco ... but the UNION statement needs the same amount of fields.

If your need is to display the names as a result of a search, I believe UNION is a viable alternative.

In the case I used concat( "X" ) as 'tipo' , where type represents the table type. When you do the listing, just make the comparison to insert the link accordingly.

if( $row['tipo'] = 'U' )
   // link para usuário
   // link para produto
28.07.2015 / 19:00