I'm trying to use one of the two STTwitter or Swifter libraries in my project but always the error.
In the case of STTwitter the error is in the method call getUserTimelineWithScreenName:(NSString *)screenName successBlock:(void(^)(NSArray *statuses))successBlock errorBlock:(void(^)(NSError *error))errorBlock;
What happens is that Xcode keeps complaining "Missing argument for parameter 'sinceID' in call"
only does not have this parameter in the method ..
Follow the code below:
twitter.verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock({ (username: String!) -> Void in
screenName: "gregoryfm",
successBlock: { (status: Array!) -> Void in
println("deu certo")
errorBlock: { (error: NSError!) -> Void in
println("verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock error: \(error.description)")
errorBlock: { (error: NSError!) -> Void in
println("verifyCredentialsWithSuccessBlock error: \(error.description)")
And when testing Swifter when I import it into the project it gives compilation error in the String + Swifter class.
I'm using Xcode 6.1.1 with the iOS SDK 8.1 Am I doing something wrong?