How to fetch a list of classes contained in a C # Class Library using Mono with C ++


I'm using C # to script through the Mono project with C ++ . I'm trying to fetch a list of all the classes contained in a DLL made in a C # project (which is a Class Library project).  But I'm not finding a solution. I'm researching the documentation but the documentation is horrible.

I've been searching a lot but nothing for a solution ....  Below an example of classes contained in DLL .

using System;

namespace Nodes
    public class BaseNode
        public string m_Name = "Unamed";
        public string m_Description = "None";
        public int m_Id = -1;

        public void SetName(string newName) { m_Name = newName; }
        public string GetName() { return m_Name; }

        public void SetDescription(string newDescription) { m_Description = newDescription; }
        public string GetDescription() { return m_Description; }

        public void SetId(int newId) { m_Id = newId; }
        public int GetId() { return m_Id; }

And the code that is incomplete.

mono_set_dirs("C:\Program Files\Mono\lib", "C:\Program Files\Mono\etc");

MonoDomain* domain = mono_init_version("MonoApplycation", "v4.0.30319");
MonoAssembly* assembly = mono_domain_assembly_open(domain, (absPath(getExecutablePath()) + "\..\Debug\MyDLL.dll").c_str());

if (!assembly) {
    std::cout << "Error, 'assembly' is null\n";
else {
    MonoImage* image = mono_assembly_get_image(assembly);
    // Carregar todoas as classes....
asked by anonymous 04.05.2015 / 19:42

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