Changes made to a record are reflected in the other records (Access + VBA)


I created a Form for Vehicle reservation where I have a field where the user must enter the destination of the trip. The user may also need more than one destination, so I created an add_destino button that makes inserting textbox into the Form for each additional destination.

The problem is that when inserting a Textbox in Record 1 this action is reflected in all other records already registered (I was only able to "if Form_newrecord = true" for the TextBox to be removed). So when I go to any other record and I delete some Textbox with the button del_destino, again, the Textbox of the other registers add together, even having content.

How can I avoid this problem.

In addition, how can I save the Form state so that when it is opened again the Text box is there if it has been activated?

I hope I was not too confused.

    Private Sub addPassageiro_Click()
' Botão que adiciona passageiros à requisição

If txtQtdPass < 19 Then
    cont = cont + 1
    txtQtdPass = cont
    ' checar se cont é par o ímpar
    If cont Mod 2 = 0 Then
        Me.Controls("passageiro" & cont).Top = Me.Controls("passageiro" & cont).Top + 200 * cont
        Me.Controls("passageiro" & cont + 1).Top = Me.Controls("passageiro" & cont + 1).Top + 200 * cont

        Me.Form.InsideHeight = Me.Form.InsideHeight + 400
        lblsaida.Top = lblsaida.Top + 400
        Saida.Top = Saida.Top + 400
        Destino.Top = Destino.Top + 400
        Destino1.Top = Destino1.Top + 400
        Destino2.Top = Destino2.Top + 400
        Destino3.Top = Destino3.Top + 400
        lblmoto.Top = lblmoto.Top + 400
        Motorista.Top = Motorista.Top + 400
        lblveiculo.Top = lblveiculo.Top + 400
        Veiculo.Top = Veiculo.Top + 400
        lblinfo.Top = lblinfo.Top + 400
        Infos.Top = Infos.Top + 400

    End If

    MsgBox "Não é possível adicionar mais passageiros"
End If

End Sub
asked by anonymous 17.03.2015 / 19:15

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