Multi CEP Sender - Magento


I need to know if there is any module for Magento, where you can have two or more Distribution Centers and calculate the freight using different ZIP codes.

For example:

se for produto X = cep1
se for produto Y = cep2
asked by anonymous 21.05.2015 / 20:16

2 answers


From what I understand, you need a custom delivery method.

Try to create your own, take a look at this magento wiki that helped me a lot.


12.06.2015 / 20:38

Your question is a bit confusing, though, I have a little idea of what you're wanting according to what you asked. Look for the page that you want to apply this modification, there you can work with Javascript or Jquery, in simplicity matters I'll give you a code in JS.

Basically if your idea is to change the zip according to the type of product, you can receive the value of this product for example if it is in an input, but if not, you just have to get this element, from HTML that it is and use it. Here's the example.

       function trigger_cep(x, y){ 
       // Receba o valor do produto pelo ID aqui
          var produto = document.getElementById('produto').value;
          if(produto == produto_x){
       // De acordo com o tipo de produto altere o cep aqui
          document.getElementById('cep').value = cep1;
          } else if(produto == produto_y) {
       // mesma coisa se o cep for y ele troca para o teu cep 2....
          document.getElementById('cep).value = cep2;        

Understand, you can use JS to manipulate the elements of the front and work with them, but if that's not what you want, then you should be wanting something more pro backend, anything talk, hugs. >     

28.11.2017 / 04:31