I did it in two ways:
I wanted to put the tag <td>
in the openTD and </td>
in the DT date when I printed on the page, the problem is if I simply put the tags, they disappear.
while ($campo = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$coluna = $campo["Field"];
echo '$html .= ' . '\'abreTD\''. ' . ' . '$'. $coluna . ' . ' . '\'fechaTD\''. ';';
echo "<br>";
The only way I found to print is to create a textarea and to print it in, that's where it works, the problem is that it does not have the line break , as I do in the textarea com line break? I tried to do
echo nl2br('$html .= ' . '\'<td>\''. ' . ' . '$'. $coluna . ' . ' . '\'</td>\''. ';');
but it did not work out.
echo "<textarea class='textoarea' style='width: 100%; height: 60%;'>";
while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$coluna = $result["Field"];
echo '$html .= ' . '\'<td>\''. ' . ' . '$'. $coluna . ' . ' . '\'</td>\''. ';';
echo "</textarea>";