Error giving a select in two tables

I'm trying to do a select in these two tables, but this one bringing up wrong data, I want to do the following, list the loan requests that have not yet been rented, ie if the codigo_socio is in the table borrowed it stays without showing to the user and list the rest of requests that are not in the table loaned but in solicitaçãoemprestimo .



I'm trying to do this:

select se.* from solicitacaoemprestimo se
left join emprestados e on e.solicitacaoemprestimo_socio_codigo = se.socio_codigo
where e.solicitacaoemprestimo_socio_codigo = '41';

But this field that is inside the loan, I wanted it not to bring the item but rather to filter what is already in the table borrowed. Thank you in advance.

asked by anonymous 08.06.2015 / 15:49

3 answers


Looks a bit confusing, you do not want the bank to list when the social_code is populated by what I understand, so it would look like this:

select se.* from solicitacaoemprestimo se LEFT JOIN emprestados e on
e.solicitacaoemprestimo_socio_codigo = se.socio_codigo where
e.solicitacaoemprestimo_socio_codigo = '';

But thinking this does not work, I think the correct thing would be for you to create the codemprestimo key inside the Emprestados table and from there list all SOLICITACAOEMPRESTIMO that do not contain codigo_socio



select se.* from solicitacaoemprestimo se LEFT JOIN emprestados e on
e.codTabelaEmprestimo = se.codemprestimo where
e.solicitacaoemprestimo_socio_codigo = '';
08.06.2015 / 16:39

Would that be?

select se.* from solicitacaoemprestimo se
left join emprestados e on e.solicitacaoemprestimo_socio_codigo = se.codemprestimo
where e.codemprestados is null AND se.socio_codigo = '41'
/* retorna apenas o que existe na tabela solicitacaoemprestimo e não na emprestados e que o socio_codigo seja igual a 41 */
08.06.2015 / 15:58

If I understood correctly what you need, try adding NOT IN in the query.

SELECT * FROM solicitacaoemprestimo
WHERE socio_codigo = '41'
AND socio_codigo NOT IN (
SELECT solicitacaoemprestimo_socio_codigo FROM emprestador WHERE solicitacaoemprestimo_socio_codigo = '41'
08.06.2015 / 21:19