Javascript and SQL - Fill a ticket with one line data after selecting it


In a site, I have the following function in Javascript to bring me into a table the result of a query SQL .

function buscaBoletos(){
    async: false, cache: false,
    url: '[:raiz]emissaoBoletos/getBoletos',
    data: ({
        unidade: $('#comboUnidades').val(),
        de: $('#txtData1').val(),
        ate: $('#txtData2').val()
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data) {
        var retorno = "";
        if (data.length > 0){
            for(var i = 0;i< data.length;i++){
                retorno += "<tr>";
                retorno += "<td style='text-align:left; width:300px'>"+data[i]['razaosocial']+"</td>";
                retorno += "<td style='width: 100px'>"+data[i]['nossonumero']+"</td>";
                retorno += "<td style='width: 80px'>"+data[i]['status']+"</td>";
                retorno += "<td style='width: 80px'>"+data[i]['valor']+"</td>";
                retorno += "<td style='width: 100px'>"+data[i]['dataemissao']+"</td>";
                retorno += "<td style='width: 100px'>"+data[i]['datavencimento']+"</td>";
                retorno += "<td><input class='botaoCad' type='button' value='Visualizar' style='float:none' onclick='verBoleto()'></td>";
                retorno += "</tr>";
        } else {
            retorno = "<tr><td colspan='7' align='center'>"+$('#lblSemRegistros').val()+"</td></tr>";

As next, I would like to be able to click on the button that is generated in the last column of the line (from the verBoleto() function) and thus fill in a ticket (in table format) with the data of the respective line. / p>

How do I do this?

asked by anonymous 09.06.2015 / 19:07

3 answers


You can do the second way: get the id of this query and pass it as a parameter of your function viewBoleto ();

onclick="verBoleto("+ data[i]['id'] +");"

In your "viewBalloon ()" function, you make a query by the ID and return your ticket mounted only with this ID information.

09.06.2015 / 20:21

I discovered the solution. In the onclick of the Preview button:

onclick='verBoleto("+ data[i]['nossonumero'] +","+ data[i]['valor'] +","+ data[i]['dataemissao'] +","+ data[i]['datavencimento'] +","+ data[i]['razaosocial'] +");'

And in the function itself, within js:


For now, I can fill in OurNumber. For Valor I fill in, but do not take the number with a right comma (170.90 is only 170). Dates it turns into a number. And Social Reason does not even work.

17.06.2015 / 16:40

I will suggest some changes, the first is to move the code snippet that mounts the line to another function, we will do this to create a closure, this way it will be easier to pass the data to the function verBoleto.

The second point has no relation to the problem, but it is a good practice, avoid making a selection of DOM objects unnecessarily, do them only once in the script.

Finally, do not declare your events inline in your HTML, use an EventListener.

var bodyBoletosLista = $("#bodyBoletosLista");
var lblSemRegistros = $("#lblSemRegistros");
var divBoletosLista = $('#divBoletosLista');
var divTelaBoleto = $("#divTelaBoleto");
var comboUnidades = $("#comboUnidades");
var txtData1 = $("#txtData1");
var txtData2 = $("#txtData2");

function verBoleto(event, data) {

function montarLinha(data) {
    var html = "";
    html += "<tr>";
    html += "<td style='text-align:left; width:300px'>" + data.razaosocial + "</td>";
    html += "<td style='width: 100px'>" + data.nossonumero  + "</td>";
    html += "<td style='width: 80px'>" + data.status  + "</td>";
    html += "<td style='width: 80px'>" + data.valor  + "</td>";
    html += "<td style='width: 100px'>" + data.dataemissao  + "</td>";
    html += "<td style='width: 100px'>" + data.datavencimento +"</td>";
    html += "<td><input class='botaoCad' type='button' value='Visualizar' style='float:none'></td>";
    html += "</tr>";

    var linha = $(html);
    var botaoCad = $(".botaoCad", linha);   
    botaoCad.on("click", function (event) {
        verBoleto(event, data);


function buscaBoletos(){
        async: false, cache: false,
        url: '[:raiz]emissaoBoletos/getBoletos',
        data: ({
            unidade: comboUnidades.val(),
            de: txtData1.val(),
            ate: txtData2.val()
        dataType: 'json',
        success: function(data) {

            if (data.length > 0){
                for(var i = 0;i< data.length;i++){
            } else {
                var semRegistros = $("<tr><td colspan='7' align='center'>" + lblSemRegistros.val() + "</td></tr>");


Optionally, you can use a replacement function to assemble your HTML.


<template id="tmplBoleto">
        <td style='text-align:left; width:300px'>{razaosocial}</td>
        <td style='width: 100px'>{nossonumero}</td>
        <td style='width: 80px'>{status}</td>
        <td style='width: 80px'>{valor}</td>
        <td style='width: 100px'>{dataemissao}</td>
        <td style='width: 100px'>{datavencimento}</td>
        <td><input class='botaoCad' type='button' value='Visualizar' style='float:none'></td>


var tmpl = document.getElementById("tmplBoleto").innerHTML;
var html = tmpl.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function(str, prop){
    return data[prop];
15.03.2016 / 14:22