PHP Warning for no apparent reason!


I want to make a simple connection to the database but every time I test it, after a long loading of the page it generates a Warning.

File bank.class.php:

abstract class banco
    public $servidor = "localhost";
    public $usuario = "postgres";
    public $porta = 80;
    public $senha = "senha5";
    public $nomebanco = "wmma";
    public $conexao = NULL;
    public $dataset = NULL;
    public $linhasafetadas = -1;

    public function __construct()
    public function __destruct()
        if($this->conexao != NULL){

    public function conecta()
        $this->conexao = pg_connect($this->servidor, $this->porta, $this->nomebanco, $this->usuario, $this->senha);
        echo "Método Conecta foi chamado corretamente" . $this->conexao;

Test.class.php file:

class teste extends banco


Test.php file:

$testando = new teste();

As a result I have the following:


Warning: pg_connect (): Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: server   closed the connection unexpectedly This probaly means the server   terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. in ...   bank.class.php on line 37

I have already restarted apache and postgres, I thought it could be an insistence on the connection, but it did not solve.

asked by anonymous 15.09.2015 / 23:45

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