Can you put the youtube channel playlist when the video ends?


Do you know when the YouTube video ends in the Player?

A thumbnail of videos is displayed to watch. These are the recommended videos for you according to what you've been watching.

But how can you leave only those videos on a certain channel using the YouTube API in Javascript?

I'm looking at the documentation, but for now I have not found anything.

In this code below I could almost do what I need. I added two parameters in playerVars :

listType - here I define a value in the parameter: user_uploads , playlist or search . In this case I selected playlist , since I want you to show the videos of the playlist that I created on Youtube. This parameter is COMBINED with the parameter below, list .

list - I created a playlist on the channel with all the videos and put his URL in the value of the parameter, as the documentation says.

function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady(){
    player = new YT.Player('video-estoria-animada', {
        videoId: document.getElementById('video-id').value,
        playerVars: { 
            modestbranding: 1,
            version: 3,
            controls: 2,
            wmode: 'opaque',
            theme: 'light',
            rel: 1,
            showinfo: 1,
            html5: 1,
            listType: 'playlist',
            list: "PLA8fGhdnBVrGSjEYeCPozWTXGhRX2rdJ7",
        events: {
            'onReady' : onPlayerReady,
            'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange


I want the user to persist in watching the channel videos and not other videos. Myself, sometimes I'm watching a video of a channel, then the video ends and shows the related videos and I click on another channel that has nothing to do with the initial theme. That is, the user shifts the focus and leaves the site.

So when I finish the video, I want it to show the videos of the same channel that it is watching, so you can continue to watch the videos of it.

I said I almost got why when the video ends, it automatically jumps to the next one in the list instead of displaying the related videos in the playlist.

asked by anonymous 06.08.2015 / 13:34

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