Method being called twice while loading page


I have a JSF+PrimeFaces system and a page where I have a dataTable, this dataTable is populated as follows:

<p:dataTable value="#{tarefaBean.listar()}" id="tarefaTable"
                var="tarefa" style="margin-top: 20px"
                emptyMessage="Nenhuma Tarefa Encontrada. " rows="10"

The tarefaBean method returns a list of Tarefa , list that fills dataTable .

The problem is that every F5 or each page rendering method is called twice, that is, two queries are performed in the database.

Example of the output from the console:

Metodo Listarnull
Hibernate: select usuario0_.codigo as codigo1_1_0_, usuario0_.cargo as cargo2_1_0_, usuario0_.login as login3_1_0_, usuario0_.nome as nome4_1_0_, usuario0_.senha as senha5_1_0_ from tbl_usuario usuario0_ where usuario0_.codigo=?

Metodo Listarnull
Hibernate: select usuario0_.codigo as codigo1_1_0_, usuario0_.cargo as cargo2_1_0_, usuario0_.login as login3_1_0_, usuario0_.nome as nome4_1_0_, usuario0_.senha as senha5_1_0_ from tbl_usuario usuario0_ where usuario0_.codigo=?

Listing method:

public List<Tarefa> listar() {
        List<Tarefa> lista = new ArrayList<>();
        System.err.println("Metodo Listar" +tarefa);
        try {
            TarefaDAO tarefaDAO = new TarefaDAO();
            lista = tarefaDAO.listarPorUsuario(usuarioBean.getUsuarioLogado());
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            FacesUtil.adicionarMsgErro("Erro ao listar tarefas: " + e.getMessage());
        return lista;

OBS: My Bean is @ViewScoped

asked by anonymous 27.07.2015 / 20:47

1 answer



This is standard behavior for JSF and your EL (Expression Language). The truth is that a method of an EL can be invoked countless times depending on the component and life cycle, for this reason you should avoid expensive logic within the getters methods - when I speak of expensive logic I mean the queries to the database, web services etc!

One solution to your problem is to get the getter code and move it to a callback method annotated with @PostConstruct , something like:

public void init() {
    // seu código vai aqui

This method will be invoked after the creation of the managed bean and after the dependency injection (DI) of your framework.

To better understand how EL works and other alternatives I recommend the article JSF: Do not put expensive logic in getters methods .

A hug,

07.06.2016 / 19:17