ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED when trying to login via localhost


I was coding and testing on my php page and refreshing the page gave this error: ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED . The other projects / pages are working and are opening normally, only the one that is appearing this error.

I do not know if it's because of the query I've done (it's well great)

foreach ($nomePessoas as $nomePessoa) {
    foreach (retornaNomeTabelas($nomeTabelas) as $nomeTabela) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeOf($status); $i++) {
            //são 13 horarios
            for ($j = 0; $j < 13; $j++) {
                $where = ''status' NOT IN(0) AND 'status' = ' . $status[$i] . ' AND 'nomeCompleto' IS NOT NULL ' . ' AND 'nomeCompleto'="' . $nomePessoa['nomeCompleto'] . '" ';
                // função buscaPorData retorna string vazia se uma das datas no front não forem preenchidas
                $where .= buscaPorData($GLOBALS['data_inicio'], $GLOBALS['data_fim'], $nomeTabela);
                $where .= stringToTime($j, $j + 1);
                $variaveis = "COUNT(*) AS contadorDeStatus, \"" . $nomePessoa['nomeCompleto'] . "\"  AS  nomeCompleto, " . "\"" . $status[$i] . "\"" . " AS numstatus";
                $turno = "\"" . (8 + $j) . ":00:00 - " . (8 + $j + 1) . ":00:00\" AS horario , ";
                $nomeTab = "\"" . $nomeTabela['front-tb-nome'] . "\"" . " AS nome_tabela ";
                $sql[] = "( " . " SELECT " . $turno . $variaveis . " , " . $nomeTab . " FROM " . $nomeTabela['db-tab-nome'] . " WHERE " . $where . " ) ";
asked by anonymous 28.07.2015 / 22:16

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