I need to lock the shopping cart of a shop made in Prestashop, until the person types the email, or logs in after inserting merchandise into the cart.
Then I made the following implementation in Control:
protected function processChangeProductInCart()
$cart_products = $this->context->cart->getProducts();
$this->context->cookie->temp_id_product = $this->id_product;
$mode = (Tools::getIsset('update') && $this->id_product) ? 'update' : 'add';
if ((!isset($this->context->cookie->email) &&
!$this->context->customer->isLogged()) &&
count($cart_products) >= 1) {
if (isset($this->context->cookie->id_cart)) {
$this->context->cart->id = $this->context->cookie->id_cart;
'urlPost' => _MODULE_DIR_.'blockcart/blockcart-ajax-save.php',
'urlAutentication' => 'index.php?controller=my-account',
'textAutentication' => 'Clique e faça o login',
'orTextForm' => 'ou preencha seu e-mail abaixo:',
'labelEmail' => 'E-mail',
'id_cart' => $this->context->cookie->id_cart
//...removi o restante (desnecessário)
The file that makes the save (blockcart-ajax-save.php):
$context = Context::getContext();
$blockCart = Module::getInstanceByName('blockcart');
echo $blockCart->postProcess();
The process is this:
public function validateEmail($params)
return filter_var($params, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
public function postProcess()
if (Tools::getValue('email') && Tools::getValue('id_cart')) {
$email = Tools::getValue('email');
$this->id_cart = Tools::getValue('id_cart');
$json = $this->setEmailCustomer($email);
$json = Tools::jsonEncode($json);
return $json;
} else {
$json = array(
'errors' => array(
$this->l('O campo e-mail não pode ficar em branco!')
'success' =>'0'
return Tools::jsonEncode($json);
private function saveEmail($email) {
$this->context->cookie->email = $email;
$data = array(
'email' => $email,
'id_cart' => $this->id_cart,
'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
$insertEmail = Db::getInstance()->insert('emails_abandoned_cart', $data);
return $insertEmail;
public function setEmailCustomer($params)
$errors = array();
if (!$params || empty($params)) {
$errors[] = $this->l('O campo e-mail não pode ficar em branco!');
if ($this->validateEmail($params) === FALSE) {
$errors[] = $this->l('Preencha um e-mail válido!');
if (count($errors)) {
return array(
'errors' => $errors,
'success' =>'0'
$save = $this->saveEmail($params);
if ($save) {
return array(
'errors' => [],
'success' => '1'
} else {
return array(
'errors' => array(
$this->l('Ocorreu um erro ao tentar salvar o e-mail!')
'success' =>'0'
The table I created was this:
$success = Db::getInstance()->execute('
CREATE TABLE '._DB_PREFIX_.'emails_abandoned_cart(
'id_eml_bnd_cart' int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
'email' varchar(255) NOT NULL,
'id_cart' int(11) NOT NULL,
'created_at' DATETIME NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY('id_eml_bnd_cart'))
ENGINE='._MYSQL_ENGINE_.' default CHARSET=utf8');
However, my question is a lot simpler than that, when I run the processChangeProductInCart()
method via ajax, it executes a javascript file (ajax-cart.js), using the fancybox and my method that captures this JSON output in jQuery is as follows:
type: 'POST',
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
async: true,
cache: false,
dataType : "json",
data: 'controller=cart&add=1&ajax=true&qty=' + ((quantity && quantity != null) ? quantity : '1') + '&id_product=' + idProduct + '&token=' + static_token + ( (parseInt(idCombination) && idCombination != null) ? '&ipa=' + parseInt(idCombination): ''),
success: function(jsonData,textStatus,jqXHR)
if(jsonData.setMail) {
var content = '<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12 clearfix container" style="padding:30px;">\
<form action="'+jsonData.urlPost+'" method="post" class="std save-mail">\
<h4 class="product-name"><a href="'+jsonData.urlAutentication+'" class="iframe">'+jsonData.textAutentication+'</a> '+jsonData.orTextForm+'</h4>\
<p class="errors-msg"></p>\
<p class="required text">\
<label for="email">'+jsonData.labelEmail+':</label>\
<input type="text" class="text key-val-mail" id="email_save" name="email_save" data-idcart="'+jsonData.id_cart+'" data-validate="isEmail">\
<button type="button" id="save_mail" class="btn btn-default button button-small save-mail-submit">\
if (!!$.prototype.fancybox) {
type: 'inline',
autoScale: true,
minHeight: 30,
content: content
], {
} else {
$.getScript('/js/jquery/plugins/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.js', function() {
$('<link/>', {
rel: 'stylesheet',
type: 'text/css',
href: '/js/jquery/plugins/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.css'
type: 'inline',
autoScale: true,
minHeight: 30,
content: content
], {
So far so good, the problem occurs when I type the email in the input that opens, it is not publishing the email ... when I execute the function below, it is only receiving the id_cart, it should capture the email here $('.key-val-mail').val()
, but it's not rolling, what could it be?
$(document).on('click', '.save-mail-submit', function(){
var el = $('.save-mail');
var data = {
'email': $('.key-val-mail').val(),
'id_cart': $('.key-val-mail').data('idcart')
type: 'POST',
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
async: true,
cache: false,
url:el.attr('action') + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert("TECHNICAL ERROR: \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + errorThrown + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus);
success:function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var result = JSON.parse(XMLHttpRequest);
$('[data-idcart]').attr('data-idcart', data.id_cart);
if (result.success == 1) {
} else {
var msgErrors = result.errors;
var errorsMsgHTML = '<div class="alert alert-warning" style="margin-top:10px">';
if (msgErrors.length) {
for (var i in msgErrors) {
errorsMsgHTML += '<b>' + msgErrors[i] + '</b>';
errorsMsgHTML +='</div>';
$('.errors-msg').html(errorsMsgHTML).animate({ opacity: 100 }, 1000);
$('.errors-msg').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 1000, function() {
}, 4000)