Access multidimensional array AJAX


Basically I have to get the information in the bank and play on the screen, so I wanted to make a screen only with "Ratings" and that, clicking on any button, will show me the training.

But I am not sure how to access the array "Trainings" (Here is a print_r from my array data)

    [0] => Array
            [AvaliacaoId] => 1
            [AvaliacaoNome] => a
            [AvaliacaoDescricao] => 
            [AvaliacaoTreino] => 1
            [AvaliacaoTimeId] => 1
            [AvaliacaoCategoriaId] => 1
            [Treinos] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [TreinoId] => 1
                            [TreinoNome] => Fisico
                            [TreinoData] => 2015-10-09
                            [TreinoHorario] => 14:00:00
                            [TreinoTipo] => 1
                            [TreinoCategoria] => 1
                            [TreinoTimeId] => 1
                            [TreinoFinalizado] => 1
                            [TreinoTurno] => 1




In my view I have an AJAX that uses response.content to get the data. In the evaluation part I would be response.content[i].AvaliacaoNome , now in Training I do not know. Any ideas?

asked by anonymous 15.10.2015 / 17:49

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