How to use the IN clause in Lambda?


There was a doubt that I thought would be easy, but the content I found I could not understand.

Good is as follows: I have the tables






where they relate 1 to N, that is, 1 error can affect N Customers.

So I need to do exactly the following SQL query in lambda:

select * from Cliente 
where Id_Cliente in (select CodCliente 
                     from ErrosProducao_Cliente 
                     where codErro = 1)

I know I can solve this problem with a Join , but I would like to find out how it is done using IN.

Unlike the question quoted below in the answer my problem wanted to do IN directly through subSelect .

asked by anonymous 12.09.2016 / 19:43

2 answers


Do something like this.

using (var ctx = new stackoverflowEntities())

    var qrInSubCategoria = ctx.Cliente
        .Where(C => ctx.ErrosProducao_Cliente.Any(EC => EC.CodCliente== C.CodCliente && C.codErro == 1));


using (var ctx = new stackoverflowEntities())
    var listint = ctx.ErrosProducao_Cliente
        .Where(EC => EC.codErro == 1)
        .Select(EC => EC.CodCliente)

    var qrInSubCategoria = ctx.Cliente
        .Where(C => listint.Contains(C.CodCliente));


Or even using .Distinct () in your client code.

using (var ctx = new stackoverflowEntities())
    var listint = ctx.ErrosProducao_Cliente
        .Where(EC => EC.codErro == 1)
        .Select(EC => EC.CodCliente)

    var qrInSubCategoria = ctx.Cliente
        .Where(C => listint.Contains(C.CodCliente));

12.09.2016 / 20:01
// pegar os códigos do clientes e jogar na lista
var codigos = context.ErrosProducao_Cliente.Where(e => e.codErro == 1).Select(e => e.CodCliente).ToList();
// aqui seleciona os clientes que contenham na lista gerada acima
var clientes = context.Clientes.Any(c => codigos.Contains(c.codCliente)).ToList();
12.09.2016 / 19:57