How to include the SDL_image lib for my solution in Visual Studio 2015?


I'm trying to create a game in C ++ with SDL2 for Windows Phone 8.1

I follow this link tutorial and a game with just the project SDL2 / WinRT (no SDL extensions) works fine.

But with that I can just do a few small things like fill the screen with a color.

I tried to include the SDL_image lib (downloaded from in the solution. But all the ways I try to do this end up with several errors in the build. Anyway, inserting both SDL_image and SDL_mixer into the project is not as intuitive as it should be.

How to properly include SDL_image and other SDL extensions in my Visual Studio solution? They also come with a .vcxproj file, but only include in the solution and reference them does not work.

asked by anonymous 02.12.2015 / 19:05

1 answer


This version of the IDE has had several modifications. The libs posted on the SDL site only have backward compatibility with Visual Studio.

Take the newer file in this link to compile the SDL with VS 2015. link

08.03.2016 / 04:23