When you call the ad, it displays this error and does not show the ad
E/AdBuddiz: Can't show Ad: NETWORK_TOO_SLOW. Current network is too slow.
It has been displayed a few times and now this error appears;
When you call the ad, it displays this error and does not show the ad
E/AdBuddiz: Can't show Ad: NETWORK_TOO_SLOW. Current network is too slow.
It has been displayed a few times and now this error appears;
This error means that the algorithm has detected that your internet connection is too slow, certainly to display a video in a reasonable amount of time. Are you using 3G network? If so, attempting to reset application data may help if the error was caused by a temporary network problem. Otherwise, you need to find another internet connection, preferably WiFi. But even if you're not seeing the ads because of the slow internet connection, your fastest internet users will still be able to see ads.