Find equal ranges in a list


I am a beginner user and have tried almost everything but I have not been able to resolve the issue and would like to know if anyone could help me.

In a column I have numerical values and would like to compare the ranges of four cells "A2: A5" with "A3: A6", then "A4: A7", and so on to the end of the worksheet; by doing the same process for "A3: A6" with "A4: A7", then with "A5: A8", and then with all other ranges of "four cells".

Being the values and the order of the "four of cells" compared to the same would like it to return in another column saying what the equal intervals are.

I know this process can be done "manually" interval by range but would like to "automate" it. The help will be most welcome in Excel but may be in VBA itself.


obs .: illustrative image.

asked by anonymous 02.10.2016 / 20:31

2 answers

The Solution in Excel can be done like this:











  • IfcellA1ischangedtoanumberofvaluesotherthanfour,theformulasincolumnCwillneedtobeadapted.

  • ColumnDshowsasingleoccurrenceperline,thenextoccurrenceimmediatelyfollowingthecurrentline,withnootheroccurrencesiftheyexist,howeveriftheyexist,thelinewiththesecondoccurrencewillpointtothelineofthethirdoccurrenceandsoon...

  • Foreachnewdatalineincludedorforseveralnewrowsincluded,theformulascontainedincolumnsC,D,E,andFmustbecopiedandpastedintoeachofthembycopyingtheCtoFofoneofthepreviouslines.

  • Intheexamplepresentednewvaluesaddedtohistoshowtwooccurrencesoftwodistinctsequences(lines8and27)andatthesametimetwooccurrencesofthesamesequence(lines2,10and22)p>

  • Herearetheformulastocopyandpaste:

    =SE(ÉNÚM(E2);"A"&D2&":A"&(D2+$A$1-1)&" = A"&E2&":A"&(E2+$A$1-1);"")

    Do the same test for a spreadsheet with a lot of data, I have spreadsheets that are much more complex than this one and with numerous data (rows and columns) and numerous formulas and there is no waiting or delay for the processing of each new data inserted active automatic calculation), it may be the same for you.

    04.10.2016 / 03:31

    I do not think it's trivial (maybe even possible) to do this directly with Excel formulas since it involves an interactive search. So I think the best way is even using VBA.

    An example function that does this is as follows:

    Function findEqual(ByRef oRange As Range, ByVal iComparingSize As Integer) As String
        ' Só funciona com uma só coluna no range
        If oRange.Columns.Count <> 1 Then
             findEqual = CVErr(xlErrValue)
             Exit Function
        End If
        Dim iComp1 As Integer, iComp2 As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim bEqual As Boolean
        ' "Ponteiro" 1: varre do começo ao fim do intervalo dado
        For iComp1 = 1 To (oRange.Rows().Count - iComparingSize)
            ' "Ponteiro" 2: varre da linha seguinte à do ponteiro 1 ao fim do intervalo dado
            For iComp2 = iComp1 + 1 To (oRange.Rows().Count - iComparingSize)
                ' Compara os n valores seguintes a cada "ponteiro"
                bEqual = True
                For i = 0 To iComparingSize - 1
                    If oRange.Cells(iComp1 + i).Value <> oRange.Cells(iComp2 + i).Value Then
                        bEqual = False
                        Exit For
                    End If
                ' Se forem todos iguais, encontrou o que buscava!
                ' Logo, retorna uma string com os endereços dos dois intervalos comparados
                If bEqual Then
                    findEqual = oRange.Cells(iComp1).Address() + ":" + oRange.Cells(iComp1 + iComparingSize - 1).Address() + " = "
                    findEqual = findEqual + oRange.Cells(iComp2).Address() + ":" + oRange.Cells(iComp2 + iComparingSize - 1).Address()
                    Exit Function
                End If
        ' Se chegou aqui, não encontrou nada igual
        findEqual = "Não há intervalos iguais!"
    End Function

    To use this function, place it in a new module inside the spreadsheet code, and call it in a cell passing as the first parameter the interval with the data to be parsed (in its example, A2:A17 ) and as the second parameter, the size of the search window (that is, how many elements need to be equal - in its example, 4 ). For example, put in the cell H10 the following:


    It produces the expected result:

    Thefunctionworkswiththreeloops.Thefirsttwoarelike"pointers" that mark the beginning of the regions being compared, and the third (more internal) loop is what actually compares.

    Note that although this algorithm works, it tends to perform poorly for very long lists. In addition, this sample function returns a string for display, but a function that returns an array with the two found regions may be more useful to you. I do not know, it will depend on its use. In this case, colleague's comment @Thalles does the whole thing. sense: it may be important for you to rethink or rediscuss your need / problem from scratch.

    02.10.2016 / 22:20