GridViewCheckBoxColumn generating a blank column


I'm creating a form of RadControls Winforms Application to perform a simple people registration.

In this form I am using Telerik Rad Controls

To use the checkbox for each item in the list I used the GridViewCheckBoxColumn

This is my code for loading Grid

 private void Carrega_Lista()
            GridPessoas.DataSource = Negocio.Pessoa.ConsultarPessoa();
            GridPessoas.EnableFiltering = true;
            GridPessoas.MasterTemplate.ShowFilteringRow = true;

But when you add GridPessoas.AddSelectCheckBoxColumn();

A blank column is being generated, see the figure below:

Does anyone know how I can fix this?

asked by anonymous 01.02.2016 / 18:59

1 answer


Solving the problem is very simple simply by entering the command in the constructor and not in Carrega_Lista();

public Principal()

01.02.2016 / 19:32