Move process to another desktop


Imagine a scenario where I have desktop default of windows , and I create another desktop , then I need to move my application to the second. Currently I create this application on the other, but I'm having problems with it.

What I need is some command that moves my current application to the second desktop , at the moment what I am using is the command CreateProcess , and I do it as follows:

 FillChar(sinfo, SizeOf(sinfo), 0);
 sinfo.cb := SizeOf(sinfo);
 sinfo.lpDesktop := PChar('desktop_aplic');
 CreateProcess(pchar(Application.ExeName), nil, nil, nil, False, 0, nil, nil, sinfo, pinfo);

Is there a way I can move the application instead of creating a new one?

asked by anonymous 06.04.2016 / 23:34

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