Error checking existing record pdo


I have the following PDO class:

abstract class database{
    /*Método construtor do banco de dados*/
    private function __construct(){}

    /*Evita que a classe seja clonada*/
    private function __clone(){}

    /*Método que destroi a conexão com banco de dados e remove da memória todas as variáveis setadas*/
    public function __destruct() {
        foreach ($this as $key => $value) {

    private static $dbtype   = "mysql";
    private static $host     = "localhost";
    private static $port     = "3306";
    private static $user     = "root";
    private static $password = "";
    private static $db       = "bd";

    /*Metodos que trazem o conteudo da variavel desejada
    @return   $xxx = conteudo da variavel solicitada*/
    private function getDBType()  {return self::$dbtype;}
    private function getHost()    {return self::$host;}
    private function getPort()    {return self::$port;}
    private function getUser()    {return self::$user;}
    private function getPassword(){return self::$password;}
    private function getDB()      {return self::$db;}

    private function connect(){
            $this->conexao = new PDO($this->getDBType().":host=".$this->getHost().";port=".$this->getPort().";dbname=".$this->getDB(), $this->getUser(), $this->getPassword());
        catch (PDOException $i)
            //se houver exceção, exibe
            die("Erro: <code>" . $i->getMessage() . "</code>");

        return ($this->conexao);

    private function disconnect(){
        $this->conexao = null;

    /*Método select que retorna um VO ou um array de objetos*/
    public function selectDB($sql,$params=null,$class=null){

            $rs = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS,$class) or die(print_r($query->errorInfo(), true));
            $rs = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ) or die(print_r($query->errorInfo(), true));
        return $rs;

    /*Método insert que insere valores no banco de dados e retorna o último id inserido*/
    public function insertDB($sql,$params=null){
        $rs = $conexao->lastInsertId() or die(print_r($query->errorInfo(), true));
        return $rs;

    /*Método update que altera valores do banco de dados e retorna o número de linhas afetadas*/
    public function updateDB($sql,$params=null){
        $rs = $query->rowCount() or die(print_r($query->errorInfo(), true));
        return $rs;

    /*Método delete que excluí valores do banco de dados retorna o número de linhas afetadas*/
    public function deleteDB($sql,$params=null){
        $rs = $query->rowCount() or die(print_r($query->errorInfo(), true));
        return $rs;

I have my extended class of class database. I created a function to check if a user exists with that email:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM 'user' WHERE 'email' = ?";

Step the given array with the email and execute:

$result = parent::selectDB($sql, $date);
    $qnt = count($result);

if($qnt > 0) {return false;} else {return true;}

However, whenever I do not have a registry, it returns me:

Array ( [0] => 00000 [1] => [2] => )

How could I return only the number? And stop returning that? Thanks


$qnt =0;
foreach ($lista as $l) {
If($qnt >0 ) { return false;} else {return true; }
asked by anonymous 15.02.2016 / 14:02

1 answer


It should be die() , since only it can print on the screen.

15.02.2016 / 16:22