What is and how to use the currentColor attribute in CSS?


What is the currentColor attribute in CSS?

What is the purpose of this attribute and what is the best way to use it? I would like some examples to understand better.

If the element does not have a color or if the color is in the parent, how can I use currentColor in the child ... In short how does it work and how can I apply this attribute?

asked by anonymous 16.08.2018 / 17:41

1 answer


It is not an attribute, currentColor is a keyword that is used in CSS attributes, since CSS1 and CSS2 can be used in borders (in border-color ), which it does is that the set property receives the same font color as defined in the element or parent element.

An example:

.foo { color: blue; }

.bar { color: red; }

.baz { color: orange; }

.box {
   border: 5px dotted currentColor;
   margin-bottom: 15px;
<div class="foo">
   <div class="box">olá mundo!</div>

<div class="bar">
   <div class="box">olá mundo!</div>

<div class="baz">
   <div class="box">olá mundo!</div>

See that the borders assume the same color used in the fonts.

Note that I can not omit the color, which CSS will assume you are using border , eg

.foo { color: blue; }

.bar { color: red; }

.baz { color: orange; }

.box {
   border: 5px dotted;
   margin-bottom: 15px;
<div class="foo">
   <div class="box">olá mundo!</div>

<div class="bar">
   <div class="box">olá mundo!</div>

<div class="baz">
   <div class="box">olá mundo!</div>

Source: link

Of course other properties currently support currentColor , for example, you can use to apply the same font color and a currentColor or box-shadow , examples:


.foo { color: blue; }

.bar { color: red; }

.baz { color: orange; }

.box {
     box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px currentColor;
     margin-bottom: 15px;
<div class="foo"> <div class="box">olá mundo!</div> </div>
<div class="bar"> <div class="box">olá mundo!</div> </div>
<div class="baz"> <div class="box">olá mundo!</div> </div>


.foo { color: blue; }

.bar { color: red; }

.baz { color: orange; }

.foo span, .bar span, .baz span {
    text-shadow: 1px 3px 2px currentColor;
<div class="foo"> olá <span>mundo!</span> </div>
<div class="bar"> olá <span>mundo!</span> </div>
<div class="baz"> olá <span>mundo!</span> </div>

An interesting example that I have adopted in my framework is to create / simulate arrows for menus dropdowns for navbars or combobox simulated as text-shadow , stayed like this (I'm just going to bring the part that is relevant to the same learning) :

[class^="v-arrow-"], [class*=" v-arrow-"] {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  border: .3em solid transparent;

.v-arrow-left {
  border-right: .3em solid currentColor; /*pode omitir o currentColor que terá o mesmo efeito*/
  border-left: 0;

.v-arrow-right {
  border-left: .3em solid currentColor; /*pode omitir o currentColor que terá o mesmo efeito*/
  border-right: 0;

.v-arrow-up, .v-arrow-down {
  vertical-align: .15em;
  border-top: .3em solid currentColor; /*pode omitir o currentColor que terá o mesmo efeito*/
  border-bottom: 0;

.v-arrow-up {
  border-bottom: .3em solid currentColor; /*pode omitir o currentColor que terá o mesmo efeito*/
  border-top: 0;

/*-- cores nos elementos "pais" --*/

.foo1 { color: red; }
.foo2 { color: pink; }
.foo3 { color: orange; }
Seta/arrow para cima: <i class="v-arrow-up"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para baixo: <i class="v-arrow-down"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para esquerda: <i class="v-arrow-left"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para direita: <i class="v-arrow-right"></i>

<div class="foo1">
Seta/arrow para cima: <i class="v-arrow-up"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para baixo: <i class="v-arrow-down"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para esquerda: <i class="v-arrow-left"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para direita: <i class="v-arrow-right"></i>

<div class="foo2">
Seta/arrow para cima: <i class="v-arrow-up"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para baixo: <i class="v-arrow-down"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para esquerda: <i class="v-arrow-left"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para direita: <i class="v-arrow-right"></i>

<div class="foo3">
Seta/arrow para cima: <i class="v-arrow-up"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para baixo: <i class="v-arrow-down"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para esquerda: <i class="v-arrow-left"></i><br>
Seta/arrow para direita: <i class="v-arrow-right"></i>
16.08.2018 / 17:56