Well, I have the following code that gets you the items from an inventory of a particular player. However it only shows me 1 type of each item, ie if the player has 5 boxes of the same type, it only shows me 1 box.
How do I show all boxes?
$steamid = $_COOKIE["steamid"];
$destUrl = 'http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/' . $steamid . '/inventory/json/730/2/';
$data = file_get_contents($destUrl, false);
$data = json_decode($data, true);
$data1= array_keys($data['rgDescriptions']);
$data2= $data['rgDescriptions'];
for($i = 0; $i < count($data1); ++$i) {
echo '<br> ID: '. $data1[$i];
echo '<br> Name: '. $data2[$data1[$i]]['name'];
echo '<br> Market_Hash_Name: '. $data2[$data1[$i]]['market_hash_name'];
echo '<br> Market_Name: '. $data2[$data1[$i]]['market_name'];
echo '<br>';
Thank you