Error generating title from references section when using amsmath package


I am preparing a job and for this I need to use keys in equation mode as follows:

\Delta \eta_{i,j} = 
     \eta_{i,j},&  se\quad aresta\quad i,j\quad foi\quad utilizada \
      0,        &  se\quad aresta\quad i,j\quad n\tilde{a}o\quad foi\quad utilizada

For this I need to use the


However, when I use this package (I already did the test including and removing it, it is the one who generates the error) in the command call


To generate my references the section title goes wrong. This way

7  *

No formatting whatsoever. It was not to be numbered even this section.

Can anyone help me? I do not know what's going on.

asked by anonymous 12.04.2016 / 05:38

1 answer


Function definition is correct (and works perfectly) (checks only if the \usepackage{...} is in the preamble (i.e. before the \begin{document} )

The issue of bibiography is something completely different

\bibliography{referencias} indicates that you have an external file ( referencias.bib ) containing bibliographic references.

This can lead to errors in many situations. Example:

  • the file does not exist;
  • exist but not in syntax,
  • no bibliographic citation (% with%),
  • or if you use citations to keys that are not defined.

If this is the case: correct any errors or comment or remove \cite{chave}

14.04.2016 / 11:39