I have a problem with receiving and sending the data to the database because, when creating a system where there is the possibility of using the physical person or the legal person, they send to the same php page using the mode get I can show you how it works (I always use mothod post) ..
But the problem is that I do not know how to create the condition where I can read the physical or legal type, I tried this way:
$tipo= $_post['tipo'];
if($tipo==="juridica"){ tantmatnantant
But by storing that way it goes null to the database, which is correctly connected taking all the variables of the physics. (detail I used the same table to avoid inconvenience in the login)
$query = " INTO usuario (tipo,Nome,Endereco,Bairro,Cidade,Uf,Cep,Email,Telefone,Celular,Razao,Cnpj,Fantasia,Endereco2,Bairro2,Cidade2,Uf2,Cep2,Email2,Tel2,Fax2,Celular2,site,login,senha,data,hora)
VALUES ('$tipo','$Nome','$Endereco','$Bairro','$Cidade','$Uf','$Cep','$Email','$Telefone','$Celular','$Razao','$Cnpj','$Fantasia','$Endereco2','$Bairro2','$Cidade2','$Uf2','$Cep2','$Email2','$Tel2','$Fax2','$Celular2','$site','$login','$senha','$data','$hora')"or die ("1337");
$insert = mysql_query ($query,$conexao);